Applications for smartphones
Agency Tuner
とらわれから離れ 無心すなわち平常心へ 夜は眠りへ
Refreshing yourself with a moment of no-mindedness.
【一般用 For General Users】
【研究者用 For Researchers】
Agency Tuner for Researchers (JPN)
Agency Tuner for Researchers (US)
Agency Tuner for Researchers (Poland)
Agency Tuner for Artists
感覚を研ぎ澄まし さらなる高みへ
Sharpen your keen artistic sense. Be in a zone.
Mood Swing Monitor
(Japanese Patent No.7355909)
気分の自覚から 気分の調律へ
Tuning your mood through self- and shared-monitoring.
【一般用 For General Users】無料提供 Free of Charge
Mood Swing Monitor (JPN)
Mood Swing Monitor (US)
Mood Swing Monitor (Poland)
Mood Swing Monitor (Turkey)
Mood Swing Monitor (JPN)
Mood Swing Monitor (US)
Mood Swing Monitor (Poland)
Mood Swing Monitor (Turkey)
【法人用 For Workers/ 研究用 For Researchers】
日々の気分をセルフモニタリング self-monitoringすることで各人のストレスマネジメントの意識を高め、さらに共同モニタリング shared monitoring によって相互に関心を向けあう環境を醸成していくための一助となればと思います。メンタルヘルスにおいては、主体的な取り組みが主軸であり、管理目的のシステムとは一線を画するアプリケーションです。
Mood Swing Monitor for Professionals (JPN)
Mood Swing Monitor for Professionals (JPN)
Shared Monitor -Body Weight-
からだを調え こころを育む
Cultivate your body. Grow your psyche there.
【一般用 For General Users】無料提供 Free of Charge
Shared Monitor Body Weight (JPN)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (UK)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (US)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (AU)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (JPN)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (UK)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (US)
Shared Monitor Body Weight (AU)
【法人用 For Workers/ 研究用 For Researchers】
Shared Monitor Body Weight for Professionals (JPN)
Shared Monitor Body weight for Professionals (JPN)
Sense of Agency Task (Keio Method)
(Japanese Patent No.6560765)
受注生産 Built-to-order
【当実験機器を使用した研究 Researches using the task】
Tsukasa Okimura, Takaki Maeda, Masaru Mimura, Yuichi Yamashita (2023). Aberrant sense of agency induced by delayed prediction signals in schizophrenia: a computational modeling study. Schizophrenia ;9(1):72.
Statistical Learning Model of the Sense of Agency. Frontiers in Psychology 11:539957, 2020.
Altered sense of agency in children with developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities 107:103794, 2020.
The time window for sense of agency in school-age children is different from that in young adults. Cognitive Development 54:100891, 2020.
The relationship and difference between delay detection ability and judgment of sense of agency. PLoS ONE 14(7):e0219222, 2019.
Dysconnectivity of the agency network in schizophrenia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10:171, 2019.
Strength of Intentional Effort Enhances the Sense of Agency. Frontier in Psychology 7:1165, 2016.
Behavioral evidence of delayed prediction signals during agency attribution in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 230:78-83, 2015.
Neural substrates for judgment of self-agency in ambiguous situations. PLoS One 8(8):e72267, 2013.
Reduced sense of agency in chronic residual schizophrenia with predominant negative symptoms. Psychiatry Research 209:386-392, 2013.
Aberrant sense of agency in patients with schizophrenia: forward and backward over-attribution of temporal causality during intentional action. Psychiatry Research 198:1-6, 2012.
Temporal Order Judgment Task (Keio Method)
受注生産 Built-to-order
【当実験機器を使用した研究 Researches using the task】
Increased visual bias in children with developmental coordination disorder: Evidence from a visual-tactile temporal order judgment task. Human Movement Science 75:102743, 2021.
Subthreshold vibrotactile noise stimulation immediately improves manual dexterity in a child with developmental coordination disorder: A single-case study. Frontiers in Neurology 10 :717, 2019.